The effect of cultivation practices and management on sustainable crop production have long been underestimated.
The effect of cultivation practices and management on sustainable crop production have long been underestimated.
Agroforestery is a crop production system that has been proven to be both productive and sustainable. Alongside increased productivity the system promotes biodiversity, soil fertility and water resources. The ultimate goal should be to produce food in harmony with nature with the inclusion of micro- and macro-organisms. An ideal system would have enough reserves to develop resilience and self regulate. Using this approach, we gain microbes as partners and allies, making biodiversity the driving force for productivity and profitability.
High quality seeds are taken for granted in industrialized countries and remain a luxury in less developed nations.
High quality seeds are taken for granted in industrialized countries and remain a luxury in less developed nations.
With partnerships in these regions we can provide access to high quality seeds, enabling smallholder farmers to produce high quality crops. We also work with producers to help implement more appropriate/adapted and effective crop management measures. Access to high quality seeds, increased productivity levels, improved cultivation practices and access to sales markets can fight poverty. This requires education and opening the produce markets. It is important that long-term goals are set.
Amanzi is the driving force of the European development of a harmless fungus, which is a natural inhibitor of Botrytis sp, Blot (Sclerotinia, Monilinia) and other plant diseases.
Amanzi is the driving force of the European development of a harmless fungus, which is a natural inhibitor of Botrytis sp, Blot (Sclerotinia, Monilinia) and other plant diseases.
The fungus is applied using insects such as bumble bees as vectors. Once in the flower and with sufficient moisture, the fungus will germinate and colonize, thereby protecting the plant from pathogenic fungi. In addition the fungus has a proven positive effect on growth and yield.
Additionally, Amanzi is currently developing a distribution company to bring biological fertilizers and bio-stimulants to the Swiss market. These products have shown great potential in foreign trials with positive effects on crop health, yield and resilience.
Much work goes into realizing ideas and projects. A few things separate the successes from the failures: Firstly effective market analysis, especially with focus on potential clients and value chains. Secondly formulating clear goals and strategies and finally effective and focused project management to realize new solutions.
We focus mainly on crop related questions, from seeds to crop cultivation measures, including crop protection and cultivation systems. Our experience and knowledge however, go beyond these matters. We also offer adult education, change management, coaching, project management, marketing, sales, etc.
Do you want to go over and think through a project idea? Do you require market research or an analysis? Do you need support to work out your strategy? Would you like to develop a new product or service? Register with the authorities? Would you like to enter the market?
Get in touch with us for an informal first meeting and see how we can offer you added value.